如有查詢,請致電或 WhatsApp Chloe Chan 5427 9913 / Tony Tse 5396 6785 或電郵至 event@janegoodall.org.hk 與本會聯絡。
For inquiry, please call or WhatsApp Chloe Chan at 5427 9913 / Tony Tse at 5396 6785, or email us at event@janegoodall.org.hk
社會福利署署長已批准三間機構於二零二五年三月一日分別在港島區、九龍區及新界區賣旗。The Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong) Limited 已獲授權於當日在港島區賣旗 [公開籌款許可證編號:FD/R076/2024]。
The Director of Social Welfare has given approval to three organizations to sell flags in the Hong Kong Island Region, the Kowloon Region and the New Territories Region respectively on 1 March 2025. The Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong) Limited is authorized to organise the flag sale activity in the Hong Kong Island Region on that day [Public Subscription Permit No.: FD/R076/2024].